Tuesday 7 May 2013

Blog Closed

My media blog is now closed and I won’t be putting any more post's on it. I have done a lot of research and planning and a lot of construction and also the seven evaluation questions. I also have my groups preliminary exercise on my blog and also our main film opening. I have learnt a lot throughout the filming and editing process and overall I am satisfied with the work our group got done. As a group we worked well together and I am happy with my blog.  

Evaluation Question 7

Q7.Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

We feel that we have progressed massively since the prelim exercise at the start of the year. We think that we already knew some basic shots, e.g. match on action and close-ups, this helped our Preliminary look good, but the quality and variety of our shots have certainly improved. As you can tell in our final piece, we use a lot more shot types, and experiment a lot more with angles. This makes our piece a lot more interesting and enjoyable to watch, e.g. POV shot when he is getting kidnapped, low shot of John Peters feet to show him walking.

Editing has been a major step in our progression, this is clear from even the introductory titles, they are seen in our final production are more professional and come in at certain times in a certain order that we have learnt from our research. The editing also allowed us to make the film flow better, it allowed us to add music to build up tension and make it more interesting to watch, as it got louder at more intense clips which was something we didn’t know how to do in our Preliminary


This is an over the shoulder shot of both me and brad at the same time. This is good because you can see what is happening in the background at the time of the shot. You can clearly see both parties talking and the camera angle is different to any others we have used.




This shot is also something new we have added as when we did this before we didn’t have a car available to use. This is a good shot because it is different and not everyone has the opportunity to be able to film these shots




This is a point of view shot from john peters view, during this shot brad (the drug lord) puts a bag over his head so he cannot see anything. This is a good shot because this is something that would be seen by the victim in an actual kidnapping, we have used this shot to make the overall film opening as good as possible.


This is a match on action shot of John Peters picking up the phone to his wife. This is a good shot because it opens the film and it gives the viewer a idea of the setting of the upcoming film. It’s a good place to start the film.

Evaluation Question 6

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is the camera which we were provided with for the filming of our preliminary video and for our film opening. The camera is the Canon Legria FS200 and it was a very good camera. The quality of the picture was a slight disappointment as it was not in HD and so made the overall quality of our production lack in professional quality and was not at the standard we imagined beforehand. Although the camera was very mobile as it is only a small, it was very suitable for the job we needed to do. We got to grips with how the camera worked very quickly and developed our skills with it by using different techniques such as; zooming in and out and panning. Also the good thing about the camera was that after we had filmed a clip we could watch it back. This was because of the small screen imbedded on the side of the pull out camera. Due to the fact we could watch it back it became easier to look at what had gone wrong in the clip so therefore we could shoot it again if we needed to, making better use of our time.

This is the software which we used to help us edit our film opening and our preliminary exercise. It is Adobe Premiere Pro, it was a very good software to use and once we got to grips of how to use it, it then became very simple and effective to use. However to start with it is very hard to work because it is so technical and has many advanced options. Due to the fact that we used this software for our preliminary exercise and our film opening look very good and have the effects needed instead of just clip’s being shown after another clip. We were able in our film opening to fade in and out of clips this gave it a much better effect and made the film opening flow whereas with our preliminary exercise it was just jump cuts because we were new to the software. It also made the shots more interesting and enjoyable to watch.

Some other technical software and sites we have used were Blogger and YouTube we used YouTube to gain advice from other people by sharing our videos and allowing them to post comments, this helped us develop our ideas and progress. Also Blogger was a diary site we used to keep all of the information of construction, pre-production, research and planning and everything else that went into making our production, it is a simple and basic and easy to use site which was easily accessible and reliable, we even had phone apps to make it more convenient to make posts in times we couldn’t access a computer.

Evaluation Question 5

Q5. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

Our audience which we decided to aim our film at was the younger audience, mainly 16-18 year old boys as they would be the type of audience who would like our action film. The way in which we attracted our audience was through different things, these were; clothing fighting scene

Clothing would have attracted our audience as all the four characters were wearing clothes which not only a typical teenage school boy would wear, because their look smart and shows sophistication but because of the fact their clothes were trendy and in fashion at the moment. For example it shows how the smart outlook portrays our genre well, for example the crime side of it attracts the boisterous consumer we target.

Another factor that would have attracted our young audience was the fact that the boys were in a modified car which attracts most boys and is the desire for most young boys to own their own car. We had tyre screeching scenes and fast driving which is high octane and good action. The car had blacked out window which sums up the crime and secretive approach to our kidnap.

We also did a rough cut of our film and showed it to our class. We then were able to gain feedback from our class mates on how we could improve our film opening. The comments were positive and helped give us a sense of direction to what we wanted and needed to do with our film opening. This is how we addressed our audience by doing a survey and also showing a rough cut of our film opening in order to get a response and some feedback to our idea.

Evaluation - Question 4

Q4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

The type of audience that we believe would watch are film is the younger generation, with a keen interest in Action films. Mainly the younger generation of male audience between the age 16-24 years old as they have an original look and their appearance and clothing is very fashionable. The young male audience also are a role model to the younger teens as they have an original and stylish look, therefore the younger teens will want to copy them to keep up to date and in with fashion. This younger audience often have a large group of friends and are not the typical rebellious school boy’s; however they are not the smartest people either. They enjoy playing computer games and perhaps sports and usually shop at clothes shops such as Topman, River Island, Super dry and jack jones. They will be into music and will like a variety of genres. They also would like to watch TV programmes such as soaps, and sitcoms. In their spare time this audience likes to watch football and hang around with their mates and take life as it comes.
The reason why this type of person and audience would want to watch our film is because it is a Action film and therefore this would appeal to them. The reason why it would appeal to them is because it is a fast paced film so it will keep them intrigued and also due to the intense music it makes the movie flow and builds you up to expect something to happen, so it will keep them on the edge of their seats!

Evaluation Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our Production company name is Lunatic Productions, we decided on this because it was a word which helped to imply our crazy and imaginative ideas. Our logo was created as a counterpart to the name as the two go well together. We looked at other logos on the internet to get some ideas for our own logo.
The production company may be directly responsible for fundraising for the production or may accomplish this through a parent company, partner, or private investor. It handles budgeting, scheduling, scripting, the supply with talent and resources, the organization of staff, the production itself, post production, distribution, and marketing. Production companies are often either owned or under contract with a media conglomerate, film studio, entertainment company, or Motion Picture Company, who act as the production company’s partner or parent company.

We have decided that the most suitable production company for our film would be a low budget company. Because of this we have chosen Film4 this is because it supports low budget cost productions like ours, and it is not a major production company. Also we have found out that Film4 develops and co-finances films and is known for working with the most innovative talent in the U.K, whether new or established. This also means that they would fund part of our production we will just have to raise the rest of the money from either another independent film production company; it would then become a co-production.

As the editors Dom Clarke and Roberto Pinto had the decision of what order to put the titles in, we started off with the name of the cinema company that we created to use specifically for this film opening. Next came our production company name, we decided not to put the log in the title because it wouldn't of gone with the theme we were using, following this came the names of the Editors, closely followed by the main starring cast. As we are only doing a film opening we added in extra names that would be in the full film to make the opening look as good as possible. We ended the opening with the director’s name; we got this idea from a lot of other film openings which did the same thing.
If we were going to get money from somewhere to create the full film to 'Mistaken Identity' it would be a small screen production company such as Film4, they are a small production company who mainly air films on their channel made by other production companies, they have made films such as '127 Hours', 'late night shopping' and '24 hour party people'. These films are not the most popular or well know films available, and this is why I believe they are a good choice to provide money for our film. One of the reasons why they are not as well known is because Film4 is a smaller less funded company that would not be able to afford the rights to produce a big Hollywood film.

One film that would be released similar to ours would be 'Open Water'. Based around true events, Open Water is a supremely effective horror film about a couple accidentally left behind on a deep water scuba diving trip. Shot entirely on digital with a well chosen minimalist aesthetic, the film details the chilling simplicity with which the error is made, and how, by not engaging with other people, the couple fatally compound the situation. This is a very low budget film (just as ours would be). You can tell the film has had less money spent on it in a variety of ways, firstly the camera quality is not as good as some higher budgeted films, and good cameras are very expensive. Secondly you can tell through the quality of the props. These would be better if there was more money available to improve them. Thirdly and finally the actors are not instantly recognisable, this is because the film did not have the funds to hire big name actors and actresses.


Evaluation Question 2

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Bradley’s character (Steven Graham) is portrayed to be the leader of the drug deal.  His boss like image is similar to that of the Godfather. Bradley is shown wearing smart clothing showing his importance, wealth and power, something which is also portrayed in the Godfather.  In the film the Godfather, the other characters around him seem intimidated by his powerful nature and presence, something which we have made obvious and incorporated in our film production. This being where Dom who plays (Danny Stevens) gets talked down to and undermined by Brad in the car scene. This therefore shows his dominance. This image we have tried to build up is the stereotypical mafia/gangsta leader role. His glasses which we have decided to include are important as we feel they add mystery and uncertainty to his character. Also the glasses hide his face and make it dark, like in the Godfather he is mostly seen in a dark setting. This could therefore put the viewer on edge. Bradley is also shown as important because he is driving the car, this therefore leaves Dom to do the drug deal, consequently this will keep Bradley out of trouble so he will not be blamed. The Godfather also has people working for him, so he is shown to be powerful because he does not do all his work, like Bradley he also makes Dom do the drug deal. As a result we believe that the role of the Godfather is very similar to the role Bradley plays in our film, so thought these two best matched.